Our privacy policy is laid out below but if we have contacted you and you no longer wish to receive information from us then first of all we apologise for the inconvenience. 

Customer Definition 

We define our customers as follows: 

  • Exhibition visitors 
  • Exhibition exhibitors 
  • Conference delegates 
  • Inquiries 
  • Speakers 
  • Sponsors 
  • Press 
  • Other individuals with whom Step Exhibitions maintains business relationships or communications 

Types of Information Gathered 

There are two primary types of information provided by Step Exhibitions customers. The definitions and treatments of these types are as follows: 

Financial Information ‐ Payment information gathered during the registration process ‐ including but not limited to, credit card numbers, financial institutions, and expiration dates is considered Financial. This information is not distributed under any circumstance. 

Professional Information ‐ Data that customers provide to Step Exhibitions through various methods of communications with Step Exhibitions is considered professional information that is stored and managed for Step Exhibition’s internal use. 

Professional information includes, but is not limited to, name, address, company name, company address, phone number, fax number, email address, as well as questions answered onsurvey or registration forms. Data captured during a customer’s visit to a  Step Exhibitions web site, aswell as during a visit with another Step Exhibitions 

customer, is also considered professional information and may also be stored for Step Exhibition’s internal use. Professional information may be shared with other 

organisations or Step Exhibitions customers for the purpose of facilitatingbusiness relationships in our customer’s best interests, unless you have opted out of such communications.

At Trade Shows 

Anyone attending a session in our seminar theatres at one of our trade shows will have their visitor badge scanned and, through such attendance and scanning, will be agreeing to the  passingof their professional information to the seminar host/exhibitor company and to  being contacted bythe seminar host/exhibitor company and/or speaker in relation to such  session. Similarly,anyone who agrees to have their visitor badge scanned at an exhibitor company’s stand is agreeing to their professional information being retained and used by that exhibitor company for marketingpurposes and to the information being passed to Step Exhibitions for data analytics purposes. 

Opt Out 

Step Exhibitions will accept, acknowledge and maintain any customer’s request to opt‐out of Future communication from Step Exhibitions. 

Please specify in your communication your required opt‐out criteria, namely: ∙ By relevant sender: Step Exhibitions 

  • By relevant show: e.g. in-Vitality 
  • By relevant medium: Mail, Phone, Fax, Email (or All) 

Any queries/questions/opt out 

If you have any questions or concerns about your customer information or your request to opt‐out of communications from Step Exhibitions, please contact us specifying your name, company name and e‐mail address using one of the methods below: 

e‐mail: eventsupport@stepex.com
telephone: +44 (0) 1892 518877
fax: +44 (0) 1892 518811
post: Event Support, Step House, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3DR, United  Kingdom 

Complete Removal 

Step Exhibitions will accept, acknowledge and maintain any customer’s request for complete removal of professional information from Step Exhibitions communications. Step Exhibitions will accept complete removal requests via the contact details below. 

To request complete removal of communications from Step Exhibitions, please contact us specifying your name, company name and e‐mail address using one of the methods below: e‐mail: eventsupport@stepex.com 

telephone: +44 (0) 1892 518877
fax: +44 (0) 1892 518811
post: Event Support, Step House, North Farm Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN2 3DR, United  Kingdom


This site utilises a secure server to protect your financial and professional information. Secure server software is used to encrypt the information sent between your Internet  

browser and ourInternet site. This ensures the security of your professional and financial transaction details whenusing this site. We follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information youhave given to us and may, on occasion, request proof of  identity before we disclose any professional information to you. 

Any Queries/Questions 

If wish to opt‐out or change your customer information, please email eventsupport@stepex.com

Privacy Policy